Agi Bagi
Animated series, Children, Netflix / Poland, 2020
My responsibilities in the production of this animated series were:
ADR recording and editing, sound design, sound effects, sound atmosphere, sound editing, dubbing recording and editing
Hug Me / Przytul mnie
Animated series, Children, Netflix / Poland, 2019
My responsibilities in the production of this animated series were:
ADR recording and editing, sound design, sound effects, sound atmosphere, sound editing, dubbing recording and editing
The Flying Bear and The Gang
Latający Miś i Strażnicy Legend
Animated series, Children, Poland, 2019
My responsibilities in the production of this animated series were:
ADR recording and editing, sound design, sound effects, sound atmosphere, sound editing
Basia 3
Animated series, Children, Poland, 2019
produced by: GS Animation, co-financed by: Polish Film Institute
sound and co-production: Studio Spot
My responsibilities in the production of this animated series were:
ADR recording and editing, sound design, sound effects, sound atmosphere, sound editing