Hold Tight / Zachowaj Spokój – Season 1
Feature Mini Series, Crime/Drama/Mystery/Thriller, NETFLIX,
Poland, April 22, 2022 (6 episodes x 48 min)
Directed by: Michał Gazda (3 episodes), Bartosz Konopka (3 episodes)
My responsibilities in the production of the series were:
ADR recording, side sound effects, side dialogue recording and editing (6 episodes, 2022)
The Thaw / Odwilż – Season 1
Feature series, Criminal, HBO Max, Poland, April 1, 2022 (6 episodes x 50 min)
Directed by: Xawery Żuławski
My responsibilities in the production of the series were:
ADR recording and editing, sound atmosphere, sound effects, sound editing (6 episodes, 2022)
The Convict / Skazana – Season 1
Feature series, Criminal, TVN, Poland, Aug 31, 2021 (8 episodes)
Directed by: Bartosz Konopka
My responsibilities in the production of the series were:
ADR recording and editing, sound atmosphere, sound effects, sound editing, sound design (3 episodes, 2021)
Raven / Kruk. Czorny woron nie śpi – Season 3
Feature series, Action, CANAL+ Poland, July 9, 2021 (6 episodes)
Directed by: Maciej Pieprzyca
My responsibilities in the production of the series were:
ADR recording and editing, sound effects, sound atmosphere, sound editing (6 episodes, 2021)
Wataha / The Border – Season 3
Feature series, Action, HBO Poland, 2019
Directed by: Olga Hajdas, Kasia Adamik
My responsibilities in the production of the series were:
ADR recording and editing, sound effects, sound atmosphere, sound editing
39 and Half Weeks / 39 i pół tygodnia – Season 2
Feature series, Comedy, TVN, Poland, 2019
Directed by: Aleksander Pietrzak, Maciej Migas
My responsibilities in the production of the series were:
sound effects, sound editing
The Trap / Pułapka – Season 2
Feature series, Crime/Thriller, TVN, Poland, 2018
Directed by: Adrian Panek
My responsibilities in the production of the series were:
sound effects, sound editing
The Woods / W głębi lasu
Feature series, Crime/Drama/Mystery, Netflix, Poland, 2020
(post-synchronization – 6 episodes, 2020) (sound effects – 6 episodes, 2020)
Directed by: Leszek David (episode 1-3), Bartosz Konopka (episode 4-6),
based on a novel by Harlan Coben
My responsibilities in the production of the series were:
ADR recording and editing, sound effects, sound atmosphere, sound editing
USTA USTA – Seasons 4 & 5
Feature series, Comedy/Drama, TVN, Poland, 2020, 2021
(post-synchronization – 6 episodes, 2020)
Directed by: Bartosz Ignaciuk,
(sound effects – 6 episodes, 2021)
Directed by: Lukasz Jaworski
My responsibilities in the production of the series were:
ADR recording and editing, sound effects, sound atmosphere, sound editing
Kingdom of Women / Królewstwo Kobiet – Season 1
Feature series, Drama, TVN, Poland, 18 October, 2020
(post-synchronization – 8 episodes, 2020)
Directed by: Maciej Bochniak (6 episodes), Michal Gazda (2 episodes)
My responsibilities in the production of the series were:
ADR recording and editing
The Missing Ones / Nieobecni – Season 1
Feature series, Crime, TVN, Poland, December 2020
postsynchronization (10 episodes, 2020-2021)
Directed by: Bartosz Konopka (10 episodes, 2020-2021)
My responsibilities in the production of the series were:
ADR recording and editing